2022 STEM Hero Honorees


Ms. Clara Villarreal Varner is the Deputy Chief Scientist assigned to the Advanced Systems & Technology Directorate at National Reconnaissance Office.  A highly regarded leader at NRO, her areas of focus include both emerging space technologies and the development of the best and brightest young minds in America. Her contributions in the intelligence space are evidence of her exceptional leadership.

As Deputy Chief Scientist, Ms. Villarreal Varner provides critical leadership on multi-dimensional and multi-faceted projects and programs at the intersection of the NRO, NASA and the U.S. Space Force. Her management of a broad array of defense, intelligence and civil space technical projects, in cooperation with the other agencies’ Deputy Chief Scientists, ensures effective results.  She also co-manages a critical partnership between the three Chief Scientists representing the NRO, NASA and the DOD, which began a decade ago.

Ms. Villarreal Varner has greatly expanded her directorate’s research portfolio to include new institutions not previously well known within the NRO.  These new relationships have enabled NRO to identify new technology opportunities for organizational collaboration. Basic research topics of interest like space assembly and quantum sensing have quadrupled in number and funding dollars as a direct result of her efforts.

A committed and prolific mentor, Ms. Villarreal Varner provides both formal and informal assistance to officers in various areas including engineering, project management, and work-life balance matters. The youngest of six children, she was born in Corpus Christi, Texas and became the first in her family to attend college, graduating with a degree in aerospace engineering from U.T. Austin.