2024 GMiS Luminaries
Jose G. Mendez
Education: Masters in Mechanical Engineering Purdue University; Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering, University of Houston
José Mendez serves as the Facility Manager at the NASA Electric Aircraft Testbed (NEAT) where GE Aviation recently completed the first ever high-power, high-voltage hybrid electric system test. In an important milestone, the test flight achieved altitude levels crucial to NASA’s Electrified Powertrain Flight Demonstration project. This and other achievements have made him universally recognized by his peers as the go-to person for multiple test sites supporting Electrified Aircraft Propulsion at NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC), where the Agency is advancing hybrid electric technologies for aircraft in support of the U.S. goal of net zero emissions in aviation by 2050.
When José joined NASA to become the first-ever NEAT Facility Manager in Covid-restricted 2020, he jumped midway into a complex test setup in a new remote work environment. His first order of business was to establish structured, multi-organizational processes and procedures, something he quickly achieved and which remain the baseline for the success of the facility. He is also well known for his collaboration across organizations, with industry, and with academic partners – all while displaying strong technical and leadership skills.
Faced with nearly constant adjustment and re-planning to try to meet customer requirements under unprecedented circumstances, José developed detailed return-to-onsite-work packages requiring multiple iterations, coordination, and approvals that were key to ensuring the safety of personnel while permitting critical work to continue. He also played a key role in the troubleshooting and response to a water intrusion issue and power supply failure at NEAT.
José assumed the lead role for the NEAT test team and successfully advanced the project through the critical Operational Readiness Review to ensure the facility and test hardware were prepared to safely commence testing. For exemplary performance, José received the prestigious NASA Early Career Achievement Medal in 2022, among other recognitions from NASA and Lockheed Martin acknowledging the quality and importance of his work product.
In addition to his technical work, Mr. Mendez has also held leadership roles as a student and professional in the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers. While serving as a Vice President, he organized engineering competitions and provided scholarships to underserved students, just two examples of how he goes well beyond his regular work responsibilities to create opportunities and career pathways for the next generation of STEM professionals. In the process, he helps grow NASA GRC’s workforce staff from all walks of life to ensure the development of innovative and unique solutions to the complex problems associated with aeronautics and space flight.