2022 HENAAC Awards


Education: Ph.D., Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University; Master’s (Philosophy), Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University; Bachelor’s, Biology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Dr. Macarena Parra’s illustrious career at NASA Ames Research Center began as a post-doctoral researcher soon after completing her Ph.D. from Yale University. She quickly established herself as an expert in the field of molecular biology for space research and built a reputation as a unique individual whose skills, knowledge, and aptitude span both the science and the engineering realm. She has made significant technical contributions that have resonated across the realm of space research worldwide.

Early in her time at Ames, Dr. Parra supported the shuttle and International Space Station biological payloads where she made important contributions to our understanding of the effects of microgravity on microbes. One of the clear challenges with experiments aboard the International Space Station is that samples had to wait for return to Earth for analysis. To address this, Dr. Parra led the development of in-flight sample processing and molecular analysis utilizing an RNA sample preparation method requiring no toxic chemicals and that could be performed by a crew member with minimal training.

Concurrently with her payloads work, Dr. Parra was the project scientist for the GeneSat project, a tech demo flight of the first biological small satellite. This was followed by several successful biological small satellites, making Ames Research Center the leading institution for biological small satellite work.

Her vast experience made her the perfect choice to lead the newly formed instrumentation and engineering technology research & development technical area in the engineering systems division, a role she assumed in July 2019. The group is comprised of mostly early career technical personnel with a variety of backgrounds well suited to design specialized hardware that supports biological experiments as well as sample preparation for upcoming search for life missions. By selecting Dr. Parra to lead this initiative, NASA has insured that one of their most prolific and accomplished contributors will be in position to influence early career scientists and inspire them for years to come.